The world is a big place and there is a ton of porn to watch. Most people spend their lives looking for a place where they can watch the hottest, craziest, greatest sex videos available.

There are all sorts of channels that offer up all sorts of sex videos that you can watch, like videos shot on mobile devices that can be shared via social media. While there is a lot of variety to be seen, the problem is that not a lot of these videos are actually all that good.

When you see a video that is good for what it is, it’s usually labeled as a parody. Parodies are videos where someone has taken a sex video, added some jokes, and put it out on the Internet. It’s very rare for a parody to be truly good, but in certain cases, it is downright hilarious.

Some of the best parodies are those who take videos where the sex is good but the content is incredibly amateurish. For example, the girl that is having sex in the beginning of the video can’t seem to find her clitoris, so her boyfriend spends the rest of the video trying to tell her how to do it better. It’s funny, but not nearly as good as the amateur video.

You can find all sorts of parody videos on the internet. Some sites even give you the option to rate them, so you can watch the top ones or the ones the site thinks are the best. In many cases, the best ones aren’t actually even the most popular.